Two main features to this on-line retreat: first, a daily input from the fourteen guidelines to a good soul hygiene ("Rules for the Discernment of Spirits" written by St Ignatius) and, second, a novena of grace before his feast day on the 31st of July.
17th of July “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ” (St Jerome, Commentary on the Book of Isaiah, Prologue: PL 24,17B)

II. 14-DAY Ignatian 'Isolation' Retreat
SECOND DAY, 19th of July
THIRD DAY, 20th of July
FOURTH DAY, 21st of July
FIFTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Uno], 22nd of July
SIXTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Dos], 23rd of July
SEVENTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Tres], 24th of July
EIGHTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Cuatro], 25th of July
NINTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Cinco], 26th of July
TENTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Seis], 27th of July
ELEVENTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Siete], 28th of July
SEVENTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Tres], 24th of July
EIGHTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Cuatro], 25th of July
NINTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Cinco], 26th of July
TENTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Seis], 27th of July
ELEVENTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Siete], 28th of July
TWELFTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Ocho], 29th of July
THIRTEENTH DAY and Novena of Grace [Nueve], 30th of July
FOURTEENTH DAY La Fiesta de San Ignacio de Loyola, 31st of July
t Ignatius is truly a gift not only to the Society of Jesus that he founded but also and most especially to the entire Church. The pontiff emeritus, Benedict XVI, affirmed this at the 35th General Congregation that gathered superiors of the Society of Jesus from around the globe. He confidently enjoined the Fathers:
"I ask you to focus special attention on that ministry of the Spiritual Exercises which has been a characteristic feature of your Society from the outset. The Spiritual Exercises are the fountain of your spirituality and the matrix of your Constitutions, but they are also a gift that the Spirit of the Lord has made to the entire Church: it is for you to continue to make it a precious and efficacious instrument for spiritual growth of souls.” (Benedict XVI, Address to the Fathers of the 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus. 21, February 2008. [Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2008], §9.)
Fr JM Manzano SJ (Sacred Heart Novitiate Retreat House and Seminar Center, Quezon City, Philippines)
General Superior of the Jesuits announces an Ignatian Year 2021-2022: To See All Things New In Christ (click this to know more)
General Superior of the Jesuits announces an Ignatian Year 2021-2022: To See All Things New In Christ (click this to know more)
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